
In the fall of 1943, a group of about 50 Troopers gathered and discussed the idea of a union to help improve working conditions in the New York State Police. Looking for guidance from other established police unions, the group called upon the president of the Port Authority PBA to assist. The Police Benevolent Association of the New York State Troopers, Inc. was formed, and 80 percent of all Troopers became members within a month. A charter of incorporation was issued in early 1944.
Throughout the years the State Troopers PBA has changed and conformed to meet the needs of its members, but the overall mission has remained the same: to work for the betterment of our members. Today, the State Troopers PBA serves approximately 5,900 retired and active, uniformed members of the New York State Police from the rank of Trooper through the rank of Major.
The State Troopers PBA is just as active today as when it was first incorporated. Along the way, there have been many momentous victories. The passage of the historic Taylor Law in 1967 strengthened the role of the State Troopers PBA, as it became recognized as the official bargaining unit of Troopers involving terms and conditions of employment, a role it continues to serve today. In the mid-1990s, the passage of legislation affording Troopers binding arbitration for monetary compensation improved the bargaining arena immensely.
The State Troopers PBA is a strong organization that relies heavily on the support of our members. Progress continues to be made each and every day, and will continue far into the future.
PBA Board meeting on Sept. 27, 1948 at the Wellington Hotel, 136 State St., Albany. The PBA Board of Directors and members of the Welfare Committee discuss plans to present arguments to Gov. Thomas E. Dewey about the constant harassment, intimidation and “Gestapo-like tactics” the PBA had endured from the State Police administration and the Dewey administration in their quest for official recognition since its inception almost five years prior.