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PBA responds to Division´s completion of Crown Victoria retrofits

PBA responds to Division’s completion of Crown Victoria retrofits
PBA, 2003-01-13

On Jan. 10, PBA President Dan De Federicis received media inquiries about the PBA’s response to the Division of State Police’s completion of the plastic shield retrofits to the Crown Victoria patrol cars. Jan. 10 was significant in that it was Division’s self-imposed deadline for completion of the retrofits set after the PBA demanded that all non-retrofitted cars be taken out of service until the plastic shields could be installed.

The Journal News, a newspaper that covers Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess counties (which includes Yonkers, the city in which Trooper Robert Ambrose was killed on Dec. 19), interviewed President De Federicis. To read the resulting story, click on the following link: